Cary-Grove Community High School
Class of 1978

Cathie O'Shea Sanchez
Cathie's Latest Interactions
Happy Birthday Peg. Still enjoy playing scrabble with you. Hope you have a wonderful year.
Most Happy Birthday Wishes...from Scott, Scott, and Cathie lol
Happy Birthday a little late. Hope you had a good one Jeannie.
Happy Birthday DJ. Have a great year.
Happy Birthday Gayle. Hope it's a good one.
Most Happy Birthday Donna. We share being Aries. So very happy you being able to share time with your grandchildren. I too was raised in Chicago and then McHenry County. Moved 4 years ago when I fell in love. Now I'm done in Florida and loving th weather. But certainly do miss McHenry County very much. Love the Woodstock square. The various activities like the Farmer's Market. And of course all the wonderful talent in the area. Many wonderful musicians. But of my home will always be Fox River Grove. Blessings to you and your family Donna.
Most Happy Birthday fellow Aries. Miss you much.
Happy Birthday Paul. Hope to see you in August. Have a good one.
Happy B-Day Deb. Hope it was a great one.