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Donations are appreciated! They support our Class Fund which pays for this website and other expenses associated with the CG Class of 78 reunions.


•   Kevin Scott  9/25
•   Cheryl Magnuson (Krajnovic)  9/24
•   Cheryl Hursh (Wyant)  9/24
•   Jim Kreher  9/23
•   Patrick LaVigne  9/12
•   Kim Sandberg (Roche)  9/6
•   Yvonne Olsson (Lennartsson)  9/3
•   Renee Brown (McNitt)  9/3
•   Ellen Berggren  8/30
•   Cathie O'Shea (Sanchez)  8/20
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
6 live in Arizona
3 live in Arkansas
7 live in California
5 live in Colorado
19 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
2 live in Idaho
186 live in Illinois
4 live in Indiana
3 live in Iowa
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Louisiana
3 live in Michigan
4 live in Minnesota
3 live in Missouri
3 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in North Carolina
4 live in Ohio
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
4 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
6 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
11 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Sweden
42 location unknown
23 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

CGHS Class of 1978

45th Reunion


What a Blast!

The 45th CGHS Class of '78 Reunion is in the rearview mirror and was SO. MUCH. FUN. Please be sure to check out the photos that Cheryl Magnuson took (thanks, Cheryl!) - she made us look 10 years younger! wink

Shout out to the Reunion Committee for all their work putting the event together: Mary Lorman Podlesny, Sue Nelson Rasmussen, Neelie Skoulund Kruse, Donna Burhop Ganshaw, Gigi Gonder Dobler, Paul "Ski" Wilczynski, Jim Stutts, DJ Coffey Grap, Donna Reese Sullivan, Melanie Loucks and Meg Lynch Meyer.

Special thanks to Ski for setting up everything with Galati's, as well as providing the music for the evening; to Sue for assistance with venue selection, logistical support and supplies; Meg for website admin and promotion; and, Mary for wrangling the entire committee to make sure everything that needed to happen, happened!

And, for everyone who chipped in a few extra bucks at the reunion, we salute you! Without it, Mary was headed for the kitchen to do the dishes and she does not look good with dishpan hands!

If you weren't able to attend the 45th reunion, we missed you and hope you'll plan NOW to attend our 50th in 2028. Yikes, that sounds like a long time from now, but time flies. Be sure to keep your profile on this website current to ensure we can be in touch with you next time around. The Reunion Committee thanks everyone who attended and wishes all of you good health and happiness in the years ahead! 


30th Reunion Group Shot

40th Reunion Group Shot

News You Can Use!

Check out the 1978 History/Videos page. It has some fun facts that you might find interesting.  


Update Your Profile on this Website!

Your classmates want to know what's going on in your life! 

It's easy; click on the "Classmate Profiles" button at the top left side of the page. Click on your name, create a login and off you go!  If you have already created a profile, find the "edit profile" button under "member functions." Change information, share pictures, etc. Be sure to check the appropriate boxes of your profile to share or keep your information private.

We are Mighty

We are Great

We're the Class of 78 !